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Resolution No. 2022-7-20-03 Sewer User Fees Fiscal Year 2022- 2023.pdfResolution No. 2022-7-20-02 Sewer Standby Charge Fiscal Year 2022-2023.pdfResolution No. 2022-7-20-01 Sewer Maintenance Standby Charge Fiscal Year 2022-2023.pdfRESOLUTION NO. 2022-6-29-3  THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SALTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT APPOINTING AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES WELLS FARGO, N.A.RESOLUTION NO. 2022-6-29-2THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SALTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT APPOINTING AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES FOR THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND ACCOUNTSRESOLUTION NO. 2022-6-29-1 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SALTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 (STARING ON JULY 1, 2022 AND ENDING ON JUNE 30, 2023)Resolution NO. 2022-6-15  2022-23 Parcel fees on land located on the District to provide for the collection of soild waste generated from residential use of such parcels and opt-out program for the District and its constituentsResolution NO. 2022-03-03 Establishing A District Contracting and Purchasing Policy.pdfResolution NO. 2022-03-02 Regarding Authority to Dispose of Surplus Property.pdfResolution NO. 2022-03-01 Approving Application(s) for Per Capita Grant Funds.pdfResolution 2022-02-02 Adopting Restated and Amended Bylaws.pdfResolution 2022-02-01 Signed Rescind Resolution 2016-09-01 Giving the General Manager Authority to Sell Surplus Property.pdf2021-12-01 Updating Bank Signors.pdf2021-06-01 Resolution Sewer Standby Charge 2021-2021 on the Tax Roll Signed.pdf2021-06-02 Resolution Sewer Maintenance Standby Charge 2021-2021 on the Tax Roll Signed.pdf2021-06-03 Resolution Sewer User Fee Charge 2021-2021 on the Tax Roll signed.pdf2021-06-04 Resolution Board of Directors of The Salton Community Services District Authorizing The Sale of Property in Desert Shores to Bahia Del Mar Signed.pdf2021-06-05 Resolution of The Board of Directors of The Salton Community Services District Adjusting The General Fund Administrative Fees Paid to The Sewer Maintenance Signed.pdf2021-05-01 Resolution County Election Request.pdf Signed.pdf2021-05-02 Policy and Procedures for Trash Service Signed.2021-05-03 Resolution Placing a 2005 Dodge Dakota (893530) and a 2005 Chevy Silverado (1252002) on Surplus Signed.pdf2021-04-01 Signed Resolution Placing two 2013 Ford F1-150 on Surplus.pdf2021-03-02 Resolution Approving GM to Transfer Funds to the CM Tracts.doc signed.pdf2021-03-01 Resolution to approve allocation funds in the amount of $10,000 to SCSDOP towards guidance and possible Financial Assistance..doc Signed.pdf2021-01-02 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Salton Community Services District Authorizing the General Manager to Enter into an Agreement with NV5 Engineering to provide Preliminary Enginnering and Design Engineering  to Provide Preliminary Engineering and Design Engineering Services for the Replacement and Rehabilition of the forcemains and Manholes within the Salton Community Services District Sewer System.2021-01-01 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Salton Community Services District Providing for the Time, Place and Rules for Regular and Special Meeting.2020-10-02 Resolution SCSD placing used miscellaneous fencing, filing cabinets and 454 Chevy Truck Engine on surplus..pdfAddendum.pdf2020-10-01 Resolution Updating Resolution 2012-05-2 Establishing the method by which CMF Shall be dispensed or encumbered..pdf2020-08-01 Resolution Placing 2005 Chevy Avalanche and Ford F350 Flat Bed Truck to Sewer Maintenance Department. Placing 1983 International S2600 Water Truck to Public Works Department..docx.pdf2020-01-01 Resolution Placing used office furniture and screen printer on surplus. Signed.pdf2020-02-01 Resolution Providing for Time, Place and Rules for Regular and Special Meeting signed..pdf2020-02-02 Resolution Placing 2005 Chevy signed.pdf2020-03-01 Resolution to approve mailing of propositon 218 - Signed.pdf2020-06-01 Resolution SCSD Board Secretary to file said report with Imperial County for 2020-2021 Sewer standby charge on tax roll. - Signed.pdf2020-06-02 Resolution Board Secretary file 2020-2021 sewer maint. standby charge on the tax roll. - Signed.pdf2020-06-03 Resolution adopting report of sewer user fee 2020-2021 on tax roll. - Signed.pdf2020-06-04 Resolution to direct Finance Officer to file and place CMA on the tax roll and be affixed accordingly. - Signed.pdf2020-07-01 - Resolution to allocate funds for the purchase of a vactor truck.pdf2020-07-03 Resolution Placing perma-liner system on surplus..pdf2020-07-02 Resolution Adjusting Departmental Admin Fees.pdfResolution 2019-01-01.pdfResolution 2018-01-01.pdfResolution 2018-01-02.pdfResolution 2018-01-03.pdfResolution 2018-02-01.pdfResolution 2018-02-02.pdfResolution 2018-03-01.pdfResolution 2018-03-02.pdfResolution 2018-04-01.pdfResolution 2018-06-01.pdfResolution 2018-06-02.pdfResolution 2018-06-03.pdfResolution 2018-06-04.pdfResolution 2018-06-05.pdfResolution 2018-07-01pdfResolution 2018-09-01.pdfResolution 2018-12-01.pdfResolution 2018-12-02.pdfResolution 2018-12-03.pdfResolution 2018-12-04.pdfResolution 17-07-01.pdfResolution 17-01-02.pdfResolution 17-03-03.pdfResolution 17-03-02.pdfResolution 17-12-02.pdfResolution 17-12-01.pdfResolution 17-11-02.pdfResolution 17-11-01.pdfResolution 17-10-04.pdfResolution 17-08-01.pdfResolution 17-06-04.pdfResolution 17-06-03.pdfResolution 17-06-02.pdfResolution 17-06-01.pdfResolution 17-05-01.pdfResolution 17-04-04 Schedule A.pdfResolution 17-04-04.pdfResolution 17-04-03.pdfResolution 17-04-02.pdfResolution 17-04-01.pdfResolution 17-03-05.pdfResolution 17-03-04.pdfResolution 17-03-01.pdfResolution 17-01-01.pdf